Rabbi Steven Rosenberg
Nationally acclaimed for his innovative and inclusive approach to outreach, engagement and programming, Rabbi Steven Rosenberg comes to Temple Isaiah with nearly thirty years of experience as a compassionate spiritual leader, hospice chaplain as well as a dynamic speaker and educator. Rabbi Rosenberg embraces the philosophy of Abraham's tent where all are welcome and embraced.
JOIN US this week as In-Person Shabbat services have returned!!
Friday Night Shabbat Service on September 13th at 7:30 pm in the Warsaw Ballroom (downstairs).
Rabbi Rosenberg is joined on the bima by Hazzan Dr. Sarah Sela accompanied by pianist Joel Baker.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th Nosh and Drash 10:30 am in the Rabbi’s study.
Rabbi Rosenberg’s Friday night Topic:
As this year’s High Holy Days are observed nearly one year after the horrific events of October 7th, these High Holidays will feel different. Is it possible to have both joy and tears during this Holy, introspective and festive time? Absolutely, Judaism has been doing that for over 3,000 years. We will remember the fallen and we will celebrate the blessing of life.
Shabbat morning, September 14th is Nosh and Drash Torah study at 10:30am in person and on Zoom. We will delve into Parashat Ki Teitzei and discover some amazing lessons embedded in the text.
Please Remember that while we are now back in person, Friday night Shabbat services at 7:30pm is also on FACEBOOK & Saturday Nosh and Drash, 10:30am on ZOOM.
You can find these links in this week’s edition of the Shabbat-O-Gram. We will let you know if we have to make further adjustments, if the heat continues in the dangerous category.
Our 2:00pm Taste of Judaism class will starts up again this Saturday, on Zoom
J-U also will feature What Do Jews Believe, taught by Rabbi Steven Rosenberg, Wednesday nights on Zoom, starting at 8:00pm.
We will soon be jam packed with amazing Fall programming, in-person inspirational Shabbat services and uplifting Jewish cultural events. We are beginning to plan for the 2024/2025 season. Please send Rabbi your ideas for programs you would like to see at the Temple.
In the coming weeks, you will see our new Fall programming guide in the Shabbat-O-Gram with all the incredible amount of new offerings we will have here at Temple Isaiah. Our wonderful community is growing and we want you to be part of it!!
We are blessed with such a special congregation here at Temple Isaiah, may we continue to be the vital Center for Jewish Life throughout the Coachella Valley for many years to come.
I am always available, if you would just like to visit for a while, either in person or by phone, video chat or text/email. Please feel free to get in touch with me.
Jon us, as we Renew, Rebuild and Rededicate.
Let us continue to stand with Israel, as a proud and thriving congregation here in Palm Springs.
Am Yisrael Chai,
Rabbi Steven Rosenberg